Introduction to APCTO club
Introduction to APCTO club.
In the past, insufficient primary clinical outcome and high re-occlusion rate were the biggest issues which limited the expansion of CTO-PCI. However, the development of the retrograde approach and DES contributed to improving primary and long-term clinical results, which helped CTO-PCI to be performed successfully all over the world.
In the USA, new CTO devices were developed and their advocates have introduced new procedural algorithm using those devices (Hybrid Approach), and has been active in promoting it. In the Asia-Pacific region by contrast, CTO-PCI is performed with emphasis on the guide wire usage, and the primary clinical outcomes are improving to satisfactory levels.
In this time when the CTO devices are continuously improving and new techniques are being established, we believe it is the right time to give attention on the further promotion of CTO-PCI that are being performed in the Asia-Pacific region, and to groom the next generation of operators. Therefore with this aim, we established the ‘Asia-Pacific CTO Club’.